Princess Tales

The Prince and Jumping ¡Magic Horse!

The Prince and Jumping ¡Magic Horse!Short tale: The Prince and Jumping ¡Magic Horse!

Once upon a time there was a prince named Alexander who lived in a great castle. One day, while walking in the nearby fields, he came across a magic horse with snow-white fur, eyes as bright as the sun and a great golden mane that swayed in the wind.

“¡My, my!, ¡what a beautiful horse!, ¿what’s your name?” asked Prince Alexander, gently stroking the horse’s neck.

“My name is Jumping, and I’m a magic horse. ¿Would you like to get on and go for a ride?” the horse replied, smiling.

Prince Alexander could not believe his luck. He mounted Jumping, and in the blink of an eye, the magic horse began to gallop across a rainbow. Together, they traveled through distant and dangerous lands, and experienced exciting adventures.

“¿What’s that huge dark cloud over there?” asked Prince Alexander as he pointed skyward.

“That’s the cloud of the evil ogre”, replied Jumping. “We must never get too close to him”,

But Prince Alexander was a brave young man and decided to approach the cloud to see what was going on. Soon, they found themselves in the middle of a raging storm, and Jumping became frightened.

“¡We can’t go on! ¡We have to go back to the castle!” said Jumping.

Prince Alexander understood the danger, and together they returned to the castle just in time for the queen’s banquet.

“¿Where have you been?” asked the queen.

I was on an exciting journey with Jumping. ¡We explored distant and dangerous lands! ¡We even found the cloud of the evil ogre! replied the prince.

“¡Oh, what an interesting story! But… ¿Who is Jumping?” asked the queen.

Prince Alexander realized that he had left the magic horse outside the castle, in the middle of the storm. But then, they heard a noise in the garden.

“¡Look!, ¡Jumping is here!” exclaimed the prince, happy.

But when they approached the horse, they realized that he had a green wig on his head.

“¡Ha ha ha ha!, ¡I found this wig outside the castle!, ¡it looked so funny I couldn’t resist putting it on!” said Jumping Boy, laughing out loud as he wiggled his head to make the wig pop.

Prince Alexander and the queen couldn’t help but laugh at the amusing situation and the comical appearance of the magic horse. From then on, Prince Alexander and Jumping became best friends and together, they had many more exciting and humorous adventures.


Reflection on the story: The story tells us about friendship and the importance of valuing our friends, even when they make mistakes or get into trouble. It also shows us the importance of being brave and venturing into the unknown, but always taking into account the dangers that may arise and taking care of those who are by our side.

In addition, the story invites us not to take ourselves too seriously and to enjoy the fun and laughing moments with our friends.

Frequently asked questions about the story “The Prince and Jumper ¡Magic Horse!”

Who are the main characters in the story?

The main characters of the story are Prince Alexander and the horse Jumping.

What did Prince Alexander find while walking in the nearby fields?

Prince Alexander found a magic horse with snow-white fur, eyes as bright as the sun, and a great golden mane that moved in the wind.

What was the name of the magic horse?

The magic horse was called Jumping.

What happened when Prince Alexander approached the cloud of the evil ogre?

When Prince Alexander approached the cloud of the evil ogre, they found themselves in the middle of a raging storm and Jumping got scared, so they had to return to the castle.

What did Jumping do in the castle garden?

Skippy put a green wig on his head and began to make it bounce while laughing loudly.

How much do they know about the story The Prince and Jumping ¡Magic Horse!

It's time to test your children's knowledge of the story The Prince and Jumping ¡Magic Horse!. We will prepare a questionnaire of questions for your children.

  • What is the name of the story?
  • What characters appeared in the story?
  • Who was the main character in the story?
  • What was your favorite part of the story?
  • Where did the story take place?
  • Can you invent another ending for the story?

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